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Better Quality of Life in Megacities - The SEMIZENTRAL Project Receives a GreenTec Award 2015

Im Newsletter Mai 2015 der Specialist Group on Water Reuse des IWA wurde über den Gewinn des GreenTec Awards berichtet.

An update on the SEMIZENTRAL project featured in the last newsletter.
SEMIZENTRAL, an international research project that is anchored at the TU Darmstadt, has received one  of the  GreenTec  2015  awards.  Dr.  Susanne  Bieker’s  team  (at  the  Chair  headed  by  Prof.  Peter Cornel)  was  awarded  the  prize  in  the  category  “Urbanization”  because  it  has  made  an  impressive
contribution  to  improving  the  quality  of  life  in  megacities.  This  award,  which  is  not  financially endowed and can be presented in 14 categories, is one of the most highly regarded environmental and business prizes in Europe.

Lesen Sie hier den kompletten Newsletter.